How to install the SynAST driver in a dahdi version for which driver and tools are published separately?

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Please download the driver and tools of dahdi separately.

1.By Script

#cd /opt								# enter the directory to source codes
#tar –zxvf SynAST-		# decompress the SynAST driver
#cd SynAST-					# enter the directory to the SynAST driver
#cd dahdi						     # enter the directory to the ‘synway ast for dahdi’ driver
#./Setup install 						# install the driver
Would you like to install SynAST AST package now? y			# enter ‘y’ to install
Please enter working dahdi directory [q](exit install) : /opt/dahdi_driver 
# enter the directory to dahdi_driver source codes
Please enter dahdi_tools source directory [q](exit install):
                                           # enter the directory to dahdi_tools source codes
SELECT TEJ MODE [t, e, j] :e	   # select the tej mode, or the driver will be installed in e1 mode
SELECT TEJXAPCI [75, 120]ohm      # set the impedance of the TEJ pci board, 75 for coaxial cables, 120 for twisted-pair cables
SELECT TEJ201E [75, 120]ohm       # set the impedance of the tej201e board, 75 for coaxial cables, 120 for twisted-pair cables


#cd /opt							# enter the directory to the package of SynAST source codes
#tar –zxvf SynAST-		# decompress the source codes
#cp –rf /opt/SynAST- /opt/dahdi_driver/drivers/dahdi 
			# copy the fxm8apci driver to the dahdi_driver directory.
#cd /opt/dahdi/linux/drivers/dahdi/fxm8apci 
# enter the directory to SynAST source codes in dahdi
#make								# compile the driver
#insmod fxm8apci.ko					# load the driver

#cd /opt/dahdi_tools                  # enter the directory to dahdi tools 
#make								# compile dahdi_tools
#make install							# install dahdi_tools