Driver & Board Installation
How to check if a Synway voice board and the driver are successfully installed?
The following 3 conditions are indicators that the hardware and driver are properly installed:
1) In ‘Device Manager’ of Windows operating system, under ‘Sound, video and game controllers’, check that all models of boards installed on the computer are present and without the ‘!’ mark before their names.
2) Run shconfig.exe under the installation directory (usually ‘/ShCti/’). Click on ‘Default’. The number of boards and their models in the list should correspond with those actually installed. Click on ‘Apply’. A message should appear on the top-left corner or a dialog should pop up to indicate that the current configuration is verified.
3) The test program – test.exe – can be started; the number and type of channels in the list should fit well with the actual situation.
Which operating systems does the driver support?
The driver supports Windows 2012, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows vista, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Linux operating systems.